Segundo Daniel Davis, um dos colaboradores deste projecto: “The Masimo E1 ear sensor is an ideal monitoring site solution for multiple clinical applications. With it, signal detection is optimized in low perfusion states (sepsis, hemorrhage, hypothermia) and in the presence of peripheral vascular disease. In my experience, the E1 ear sensor detected hypoxemia up to 2-3 minutes sooner, which is critically important during airway management, resuscitation, and inpatient apnea/hypopnea episodes. Additionally, the ear site is more accessible and offers distinct advantages when traditional peripheral monitoring sites are unavailable due to trauma or injury, are swollen and do not easily fit into a digital sensor, or are inaccessible due to drapes, bandages, and dressings”.
Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, and Director of the UCSD Center for Resuscitation Science in San Diego, California